Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Am Worthy: Excerpts from Chapter 1

The terms self-worth and self esteem are frequently used interchangeably. But they are not the same. The Webster’s dictionary defines self-esteem as a feeling of pride in oneself. Self-worth is defined as the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect

Self-esteem is externally driven, often reinforced by social and cultural values of behavior, knowledge, appearance and material wealth.  Self-worth is internal, inherently bestowed upon every living being, unrelated to life conditions. It’s the foundation of self-respect and esteem. A person may have high self-esteem based on what they know, possess or how they look, but struggle endlessly to live up to their perceived potential. These individuals lack the self-worth that allows them to love themselves unconditionally. A dear friend years ago taught me a mantra that resonates with me to this day: I am worthy, simply because I am, Iam. 

We often see ourselves and others as being worthy based on the balance in our bank accounts or accumulation of material possessions. We judge others’ worth based on the degree of their life achievement and how much more they’ve accomplished compared to someone else. None of this has anything to do with self-worth. We are worthy simply because we exist.

When you acknowledge your self-worth, you know you are sufficient – you are okay as you are, even during times when you feel low and discouraged. And conversely, when you have the world by the tail, and everything you touch turns to gold, you remember you are ultimately the same as everyone else. You avoid developing an oversized ego, and maintain a sense of gratitude, never taking what you have for granted.

Throughout the span of humanity there are ongoing episodes of people believing their worth is being threatened. At that point they immediately move into a mode of survival; fight or flight.  To counter the impending threat a common tactic is to devalue or attempt to diminish the worth of others as a means to maintain their own.

The survival of a race, an economic way of life, or position of power, can spur humans (and it has been proven time and again) to literally, kill, demonize, and victimize others to keep what they believe they have the right to have and maintain for fear of losing it. It is a fear stemming from limited thinking of resources and a core belief that if one person is worthy then another cannot be.

But if we are to believe that our own worth is intrinsic simply because of our mere existence then it must be true for everyone else, despite the behavior or actions exhibited. 


If you would like to be part of my focus group for this book, please send an email to bukeka@bukeka.com. For doing so you will receive the following:

  1. Each completed chapter in PDF upon it's completion
  2. The Process worksheet
  3. An email with Chapter questions to be returned with your answers and; 
  4. A free signed copy of the book within the first 100 copies/first come first serve basis


Robin Goff, Executive Director of the Light Center in Baldwin, Kansas is wanting me to come to South Africa to work with parents and children on the self-worth. This is a tremendous opportunity. Your donations and network partners to help me on this journey would be greatly appreciated. You may go to www.Bukeka.com to make donations (just scroll down on the first page of site). If you would like for me to meet of network with a potential corporate sponsor that would also be greatly appreciated. You can send that information so Bukeka@Bukeka.com

Thank you!

Love and Blessings